Udderly LAME!

Dear Yogurtians,

First, let me say that I’m a big fan of your products. Until now, I’ve never tried your “Mountain Huckleberry” flavor yogurt. I’m not surprised to discover that it’s delicious. I also have a tub of your mint chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer at home. It’s hands-down the best MCC ice cream. (Kroger’s runs a close second, but is loaded with artificial colors, so Tilamook wins again.)

Anyhow, I smuggled some yogurt into Sozo Coffeehouse (eluding the watchful gaze of Dean Nelson) and noticed that the lid says UDDERLY DELICIOUS. As a dad, I respect wordplay in general. But this particular pun is so overused and overdone. It’s no longer catchy because we’ve all been exposed to it to the point of ennui.

Tilamook, you’re the masters of what you do. You’re dairy good at it. While moo-velous is probably also overused, I believe the creative geniuses (genii?) at Tilamook can cowllaborate and come up with something truly inspired—something that is cultured even.

I will leave you to ponder my challenge Tilamook my next suggestion.



Emailed to CustomerService@levlad.com on May 9, 2020 at 12:11 p.m. STILL WAITING FOR A REPLY

2 thoughts on “Udderly LAME!

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